Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More on Adi...

As soon as I post, I remember all the stuff I forgot. Like: Adi's favorite thing right now is to read books. She can now turn individual pages of board books and will sit and 'read' (sometimes with vocal commentary) a book from start to finish. She is so fast at turning pages that I have to skip most of the words (and usually there is only one per page) to keep up.

She also has been *loving* water. In the bath she just plays, splashes and grins. Occasionally she'll dip her head down to taste the water.

And she loves playing peekaboo. Sometimes she'll be quiet and I look up to see her across the room, holding something over her face. You say "where's Adi?" and she lowers it, grinning. Repeat N times... Today she was hiding behind a corner of a cabinet and would hide, then pop out when I asked where she was.

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