We've started to get smiles in the last week- finally, we captured Adeline on film!

Meredith has been a little less free with her smiles but they are very rewarding when you get one.
The girls' Auntie Henri (Dave's sister Leen) brought some outfits over from France. The girls are just outgrowing them.
Meredith has been a little less free with her smiles but they are very rewarding when you get one.
The girls' Auntie Henri (Dave's sister Leen) brought some outfits over from France. The girls are just outgrowing them.
Hey Dani,
I'm finally caught up on your blog. It's like watching a preview of my own life! It kind of takes my breath away! I can't believe how your twins have grown. It is amazing. I want Adele to grow like that, but I have to be patient just in case she doesn't.
All our best,
Paula & Jeff
After 'double work', you get now 'double reward'. It is great. You deserve it.
First smiles are so wonderful. Cannot wait to get one smile from Adeline and Meredith. Well I mean 2 smiles.
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