Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Dave's cousins, Kelly and Megan, came by to make us dinner on Friday night and helped with the babies. Here they are with Meredith.

Bottle feeding the girls has been more of a challenge than we'd anticipated. Meredith gulps it down- she could drink 5 oz in 5 minutes, I think. And when you stop her to burp, she screams like she was being tortured. It's strange because, although she is the faster eater at the breast, she doesn't mind stopping to burp.

And Adeline is opposite- she barely drinks from the bottle. Dave spends a lot of time taking it away saying, "you've got to suck! You're just chewing!" She'll be at it for 10 minutes and it turns out she only took 5 mL.

We thought the breast feeding was going to be the difficult part but that's going well. I feed them simultaneously and can do it by myself (although it is easier when Dave or one of my parents can burp a baby and take whoever finishes first away for a diaper change). But the bottle feeding is so challenging that Dave has only done it a few times. Unfortunately, this means that I can't really get away from the girls for too long unless we have two people lined up to watch them. (Fortunately, my parents are happy to come over to help).

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