Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sightseeing in Pau

There is a bus from our house straight to the center of Pau. Yesterday, the girls and I went sight-seeing. First stop, a fountain next to an old church.

The real point of the journey: to get crêpes! When I was in Paris for a few days ten (!) years ago, I practically lived off of crêpes from carts. I haven't found one yet in Pau, though, so we spent a little more for the restaurant version.

The highlight for the children was window shopping. So many swimsuits, pretty dresses, and, here, bridal gowns.

There's a short funicular train.

It's free. We rode it 3 times.  😊

For me, the highlight was seeing the high Pyrénées on this clear, sunny day.

1 comment:

Wren Gradey said...

love it D! have such a great time :)