Speaking of growing, the girls had their 18 month appt a few weeks ago. Mae is over 2 pounds heavier than Adi, but Adi is 1/4 of an inch taller (like you can believe that measurement!). Since then, we've visited the doctor's office once for Mae (our first ear infection) and I'm taking Adi in this afternoon for what I suspect is our second ear infection (perhaps she was jealous that Mae got the yummy medicine)? I am ready to be done with all the colds and fevers and especially the not-sleeping-at-night that goes along with it. More than anything, though, I hate being quarantined in the house instead of flitting off to the playgroups and other 'mom' events that I rely on to break up the day. But despite all the time in the house, I still haven't braved the finger paints that I bought about 6 months ago...
Finger paints are fun, just use the full bib if you can. Be sure and have them strapped into something so they can't get up and run around. Adele made several masterpieces last weekend.
i'm so ready to be done w/all the sicknesses too! we're well at the moment and trying to keep it that way!
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