Our latest news is that Adi has started letting go when she's standing. She'll hover for up to 15 seconds before either plopping down or grabbing back on. You'd think she would do it when she was already standing up, but her method of choice seems to be crawling up to a person sitting on the floor, straightening her legs and pushing herself to standing using the person as a prop. Here she just pushed off of Dave:

This is a bit surprising as Mae is the one who likes to 'walk' with someone holding her hands for balance. We have a little footrest on wheels that she uses as a walker- pushing it around the room. This works great unless Adi is on the other side of it, then they both push until someone gets run over.
Mae has also gotten more resourceful around the gates... we have an armchair right in front of a book case as part of a 'gate' and she will crawl onto the lowest shelf of the book case and slide along behind the chair to get to the kitchen.
Her favorite method of interaction is offering us things. "Dis?" she'll say, holding up a toy, washcloth, hat, or anything else. It is repetitive but very cute... although she will often take something away from Adi and give it to me. "Oh, thank you for the block... shall we give it back to Adi?". If Adi didn't get so upset when something was taken from her, the game would go on for hours.
And she's really into pointing. When she's not handing me a toy over and over, she's pointing to some vague corner of the room and asking "Dat?". At least, that's what I think she's asking. Yesterday we got a very definite response when Dave asked her "Where's Mommy?" and she pointed right to me (with an endearing smile).

Both girls are really exploring their environment. They love crawling under the desk and trying to stand there (it's too short for them). Dave and I laughed a lot watching them try to retrieve a ball under the ottoman but they eventually got it. The swivel chair is a bit unpredictable but hasn't caused too many tears yet.

This is a bit surprising as Mae is the one who likes to 'walk' with someone holding her hands for balance. We have a little footrest on wheels that she uses as a walker- pushing it around the room. This works great unless Adi is on the other side of it, then they both push until someone gets run over.
Mae has also gotten more resourceful around the gates... we have an armchair right in front of a book case as part of a 'gate' and she will crawl onto the lowest shelf of the book case and slide along behind the chair to get to the kitchen.
Her favorite method of interaction is offering us things. "Dis?" she'll say, holding up a toy, washcloth, hat, or anything else. It is repetitive but very cute... although she will often take something away from Adi and give it to me. "Oh, thank you for the block... shall we give it back to Adi?". If Adi didn't get so upset when something was taken from her, the game would go on for hours.
And she's really into pointing. When she's not handing me a toy over and over, she's pointing to some vague corner of the room and asking "Dat?". At least, that's what I think she's asking. Yesterday we got a very definite response when Dave asked her "Where's Mommy?" and she pointed right to me (with an endearing smile).
Both girls are really exploring their environment. They love crawling under the desk and trying to stand there (it's too short for them). Dave and I laughed a lot watching them try to retrieve a ball under the ottoman but they eventually got it. The swivel chair is a bit unpredictable but hasn't caused too many tears yet.
Wow, they are so big and changing so much! i can't believe that Mae is saying dis and dat! I'm sad we can't play with them!
I love the update! Those first steps can't be too far away for Adi. Their little dresses are just darling!
The dresses are from their Grandma Coleman. They love them- they play with the buttons and the decals whenever they wear them.
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