She has been pulling up to kneeling, including in her crib, and once or twice has stood up. She will stand holding onto something if I set her up. And now she is starting to 'step' her feet if I hold her up to walk, although she likes moving the right foot but not the left.
She continues to love sounds and we try to come up with new and different ones for her. She'll repeat a "sss" or "thhh" with a big smile. She says a lot of "na na" and "da da" and a few times we've thought that she was referring to Dave with "dada" or me with "mama" but I'm not too sure. In the last few days she's been smacking her top lip in a way that I can't repeat, and will click her tongue or clear her throat if we prompt her to. When she's starting to get upset she squishes up her nose and mouth and breaths in and out really fast; she'll start laughing if I do it back to her.
She is waving "hi", but not "bye bye." (Adi's wave is horizontal whereas Mae's is vertical: for any geeks out there: their waves form an orthogonal basis that would allow us to form any wave if we could only figure out how to linearly combine them!) She has picked up on a lot of casual sign language: so big!, peekaboo, night night (she'll rub her eyes or lay her head on the floor). And she likes clapping a lot-- I think that's where the wave came from.
I was under the impression her first word would be mama or dada but no: it seems to be duck. She loves the rubber ducks and says duh when she sees it. And this morning it sounded like she said hi back to Meredith and ba ba when Dave was leaving for work.
As I said above, I've been writing this post for a week now so I'm going to put it up even though I'm sure I'm forgetting things. They are changing so fast that it's hard to keep up!
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