All the books recommend it for twins- do everything you can for them at the same time, in order to save time.
Dave has figured out tandem carrying

And most of our feedings are now simultaneous- thanks to the Anna breast feeding pillow given to us by a friend. This makes it so our feeding/burping/diaper changes take an hour or less, which is quite nice when they still wake up every 3 hours to eat!

Dave has figured out tandem carrying
And most of our feedings are now simultaneous- thanks to the Anna breast feeding pillow given to us by a friend. This makes it so our feeding/burping/diaper changes take an hour or less, which is quite nice when they still wake up every 3 hours to eat!

Hey, look at those big girls. They are so cute. Wow, 3 1/2 weeks already. I'm sure time is just flying by for you.
I put up my pregnancy picture, just for you!
What a great photo! Can't wait to see you soon. ~k
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