Sunday, October 7, 2012

Boise to celebrate with Brian and Sam

We traveled to Boise, ID at the beginning of October to see Dave's cousin Brian get married to our new cousin-in-law, Sam.  Mae and Adi were very excited that they got to stay up late to participate in the dancing

and the cake cutting and eating.

Cousins Maayan, Kaitlin, Oli, Mae and Adi

Mae and Adi eventually pulled up chairs in order to view the cutting in comfort.

Vivian enjoyed it, too

Dave's parents, siblings, cousins (and their families) came out for the week so we had lots of fun with the extended family.
Uncle Mike swims the Boise River with Bear the dog.

Vivian and Cousin Cole discover the snack source
Uncle Yac does the work while fishing with cousins Paul, Adi, Mae and Colette

Cousin Oli, fishing for minnows

Everyone did well in the car for the 16 hour drive. Or rather, they did well for about 14 hours of the 16 hour drive.

At some rest stop (rather-- run-around-stop) in some state on the way home.

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