Saturday, April 7, 2012

4 months old!

Vivian was 4 months old at the end of March. She was weighed and measured at the doctor's and passed with flying colors-- at over 16 lbs she is a big chunk of baby! We are thankful (as always) that she has grown so well with no health problems. Her immunizations caused fussiness for a few days but that just served to remind us how well she's doing otherwise.

She has settled in many ways-- her nighttime sleep has improved, short naps seem to be giving way to longer ones, she's sleeping in her crib instead of the cradle, she'll put up with the 'front pack' (even fell asleep in it one evening thanks to Dave's vigorous swaying) and she's drinking from the bottle well (most of the time). Bedtime is easy now and she's mostly happy during the day as long as someone is paying attention to her. She's smiling a lot and acts like she wants to laugh but no sound is coming out yet.

Her developmental accomplishment of the week is grabbing her feet. Just the right one at the moment, and they aren't in her mouth yet, but those abs are definitely getting stronger! She has been experimenting with different sounds; for a few days she gave up cooing in favor of blowing raspberries and spitting. Right now she is fake-coughing (or else she has allergies and I'm unsympathetic?!)

And I've realized I failed to mention one of her most consistent traits-- she is the easiest baby to burp! Sit her upright or place her on your shoulders and it comes right up.

1 comment:

Kara said...

So beautiful!
And glad to hear that she's making life a little easier for you, as well.