We're happy to announce the expected arrival of La Petite Fromage, due Nov 13.

Our apologies to the Francophones for taking (typically unwelcome) liberties with their language but this 'Little Cheese' is, in fact, feminine!
She earned her fetal name by forcing her mother to eat a diet of about 80% cheese in the first trimester, resulting in a prominent belly that is probably more cheese than baby.
Now that we've seen some more pictures of her, 'Little Squirmy' is probably more appropriate. In fact, the picture here is from 6 weeks ago simply because the ultrasound technician last week couldn't get her to hold still long enough for a better one.
Mae & Adi are excited to have a little sister and have shown great-- and appropriate-- curiosity as to how we will do things (like go swimming) with a baby and where her car seat will sit and where her room will be. Luckily we all have another 5 months to figure it out; advice is welcome!

Our apologies to the Francophones for taking (typically unwelcome) liberties with their language but this 'Little Cheese' is, in fact, feminine!
She earned her fetal name by forcing her mother to eat a diet of about 80% cheese in the first trimester, resulting in a prominent belly that is probably more cheese than baby.
Now that we've seen some more pictures of her, 'Little Squirmy' is probably more appropriate. In fact, the picture here is from 6 weeks ago simply because the ultrasound technician last week couldn't get her to hold still long enough for a better one.
Mae & Adi are excited to have a little sister and have shown great-- and appropriate-- curiosity as to how we will do things (like go swimming) with a baby and where her car seat will sit and where her room will be. Luckily we all have another 5 months to figure it out; advice is welcome!
CONGRATS dani!! i saw you at the touch-a-truck but didn't get a chance to run over and say hi (and congrats!).
Hooray for cheese, especially the little kind! Congrats to whole family!
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