Craft time with all the kids
A pack of wild dogs
and one wild kid
Jet-lag meant we were up for a few hours every night for a week. The nice part was that we all slept in until 9 or 10am every morning.
The pack 'n play was an unexpected toy

Aunt Kara, doing the endless dishes

Music time with Uncle Eric

For the most part, we simply enjoyed each others company, playing in the apartment or at the playground (right outside the apartment building) or in the woods across the street. It was a cultural adventure to simply go to the grocery store, pick the kids up from school and interact with other parents on the playground. But Dave and I did get to do a little sight-seeing in St Petersburg; Kara babysat all the kids one morning so that Eric could give Dave and I the tour of the City Center.

1 comment:
happy to see the photos and hear your stories! I still remember with delight watching Adi and Mae on our swings! Hard to believe at the time.
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