Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our little roller

Mae is now an accomplished roller. For a long time her nickname was Flip-flop, because she would roll tummy-to-back and back-to-tummy but only over the same side. Which was convenient for us, as she didn't travel very far. But now she has connected the rolls and can actually travel. It's quite a surprise to find her several feet from where we left her, and quite an adjustment to have to watch where we put things on the floor. We are still working on babyproofing, trying to figure out how to set up the house so I can leave the room, for instance, to put one girl to bed, with some easy way to secure the other one.

But for now, we're just excited that she can move around. It has made her a more frustrated baby in a way. From minutes after her birth, Mae has been laid back, often happy to watch the world go by and not demanding too much attention. But now that she has had a taste of wanting & getting something (for instance, a toy that she sees and rolls over to get) she gets frustrated when she can't get something, or when she is on her stomach and can't seem to remember or is too tired to roll over. But she is quite resourceful in her movements: by just rolling and rotating she can get to an awful lot of things. And she is still a very happy baby, liberal with her smiles and coos, who seems like she can't contain her excitement when we come into the room.

1 comment:

Cecile said...

You are on your way to discover the world ! So many things to explore, to discover, to smell, to touch. It is so exciting of a little girl.