Friday, February 8, 2008

Can we brag?

Here is a quiz: Why are Meredith and Adeline so big?

a) Dani's daily bowl of ice cream
b) Dave's genes
c) Grandparents' overflowing love
d) All of the above

I'm guessing (d). Although I better go have that ice cream. After all, I need to support an extra 33.6 pounds! The official doctor's measurement put Meredith at 16.6 and Adeline at 17.0 lbs.

They've been increasing their weight ranking since they were born; at 1 week, they were in the 10th percentile, 1 month: 50th, 2 months: 75th. We thought maybe they had stabilized, that they'd still be in the 75th. But no: they now come in at a whopping 96 & 97th!

[caveat: this is compared to 4 months old babies, and they are actually 10 days *over* 4 months. so maybe that explains everything? are all the other babies weighed exactly at 4 months?]

We are feeling so lucky that they were not only born big and healthy but have continued to thrive.

1 comment:

Cecile said...

Woaw. This is is amazing. It is great that they are both doing to well. Thanks for love, genes, ice-cream and Mummy's milk (it looks like Dani found the secret recipe)
Love from Cecile