Our little two year old... delightful and frustrating! Her language has taken off; 4-word sentences are common, eg. 'Mommy come with me', 'pee potty get candy' (see below!). We pretty much communicate well, but she definitely has a mind of her own and sometimes gets too upset to tell us what's the matter.
She loves biking and always wants to play outside
She loves Annie the Giraffe. We originally named her Erin but when Vivian started talking, she called her 'Annie' (like Mae's 'Annie the Lion'). Now that she *could* say Erin, she has insisted it stay Annie. So now we have Annie the Lion and Annie the Giraffe.
And did you notice the new potty? Vivian showed early interest and aptitude so I broke my promise to never do early potty training again. She's pretty good at it, actually.
'Blow my nose' is also a favorite phrase. And, so far, she is good at that, too.
Thanks to the Montessori curriculum that Adi and Mae attended pre-school under, Vivian gets to move beans around a lot. She actually requests it as an activity.
The thing she wants to do most in the world? 'Ride Hot air balloons.' She asks frequently to watch the slideshow on my phone of about 20 pictures we took at the Erie festival last spring.
She is still a great sleeper, often telling us 'tired. nap now.' And
nighty-night games are a popular wake-time activity, especially with her big sisters.
Another favorite game:
"Going to work. Kiss. [gives kiss] Hug. [gives hug]. Bye bye"
then after wandering off for a few minutes: "Came back."
then after wandering off for a few minutes: "Came back."
For her birthday, she requested a chocolate cake, mac and cheese and green beans. I decorated the cake to look like Elmo since she was fond of her halloween costume.
Her favorite foods are: soy sauce, salad dressing, honey, syrup, whipped cream, butter, oranges, raisins, fizzy water, soy milk. She will try a lot of things but after a few bites informs us that she's "done eating" and tries to leave the table.
We did a Music Together class and she *loved* it; you wouldn't know this from watching her cling to my lap in the class but at home she runs around singing the songs and requests "cd music" a lot.