Vivian is making some forward progress with her crawling (the password is 'vivian'). Luckily she's slow enough that our leisurely efforts toward baby-proofing are enough so far. She still gets backed under things (or in things like toy boxes, like this pic) and then has trouble because she can't push backward to sitting, which is her favorite maneuver.

She's added consonants to her babbling; so far we've heard 'b' and 'v' and perhaps a 'w'. When she's fussing during a diaper change or in the car, I can engage her by starting off "ba ba ba" and she'll respond. And we've all been singing the beach boy song (ba ba ba, ba ba baran) because of it.
She's finally made it to two naps-- she adjusted easily to the much longer wake time required for this. It helps that we're usually out of the house doing something with the older kids. It's really opened up our schedule-- the first weekend, the whole family watched a local bike race one day and went swimming the next. And the oddest thing: a weekend spent camping seems to have reset her morning wake time. It seems that the sleep deficit created by staying up late actually jumped her from 5:40 am to after 7 am. This *never* happenend with Adi and Mae so we're appreciating it while it lasts!
Three sisters in the bath: