Our little baby is already half a year old! It seems like it is going so fast (except at 5 o'clock in the morning, then it goes very slowly...)
She is trying hard to interact with her surroundings-- reaching for things, trying to get *everything* into her mouth. Sitting with her on our laps at mealtime is an exercise in keeping her far enough away from the dishes, but she just keeps trying until we let our guard down for an instant and she grabs and dumps a bowl or something. Similarly, I can't carry her around and drink something at the same time because she grabs at the glass or cup.
Peek-a-boo is a favorite game, as is the seated row-row-row-your-boat. She loves songs and likes to be jiggled and flown through the air. She is sitting quite well but still will crash eventually, so we usually have a pillow behind her if there isn't a volunteer.
She still likes sucking on cloth and chewing on her thumb but doesn't seem to have adopted the habit of sucking her thumb. Rhythmic motions have become popular-- she'll lift her legs and slam her feet into the floor, or hold her hands together and beat on her stomach. When she's nursing, she likes to pull the burp cloth or my shirt back and forth. If she's tired, she pulls it over her eyes. And she always has pushed with her feet while nursing; she seems to like to have something to push against.
Bath time has become more fun; she's starting to splash and, when I have her sitting in the tub, she grabs at the water, and her feet under the water, in fascination.
Personally, my favorite part is seeing her rolls of fat. And that's what I like about the summer clothes- finally getting to see those plump little legs and arms every day.
Not to promote comparisons but I've found it fascinating to look back at blog posts from when the big girls were the same age: Mae and Adi at 6 months.