We survived our first airplane trip with the girls-- we actually had a great time. It was a really good experience for me, to see how well they did despite a completely messed up schedule (missed naps, late meals, etc.) They are quite resilient to change, it turns out, and both are interested enough in new people and places that they stayed entertained and entertaining when we were out past their bedtime.
One of the funniest experiences was getting on the first plane. Dave was carrying Meredith as he walked down the aisle of the already-full plane; she started smiling at people and they smiled back, she waved and they waved back and she just laughed and laughed: "All these people, right here, just to smile at me?!" Both girls charmed everyone in the vicinity of our seats, so that the flight attendants knew which was which by the end of the flight and people were lining up to hold Adi when I went to the bathroom. It was funny for us; I guess we've gotten used to feeling like mini-celebrities with the two cutest babies in the world (in our humble, unbiased opinion) but this was a whole new level.
We stayed with our dear friends Adriana & Fernando in Oakland; it was fun and relaxing because they helped with the girls so much and treated us to wonderful meals.
And Maya gave the girls spiky balls (which tasted pretty good, apparently) as well as deluxe pair of knee socks that helped keep everyone occupied on the trip home.
On the weekend, we celebrated the wedding of one of Dave's old roommates, Craig, and enjoyed seeing old friends and staying in a cabin in the mountains near Santa Cruz. Unfortunately, the camera bug (me) must have worn out.