Tuesday, January 29, 2008

4 months old!

Adi and Mae are now 4 months old.

Did you notice that Adi is practicing her grabbing?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tummy time


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bath time

I just can't get over how cute the baby-in-a-towel is, especially with the duck (Adi) and lamb (Mae) towels that Dave's sister Jennifer made the girls for Christmas (while caring for her own newborn baby!)

Daddy time

A Coleman Cascade of Dave, Adi & Mae

Storytime (Adi's on the left). They do seem to actually look at the book sometimes. Now the challenge is holding the book and both of them so they can see it. I usually lay on my back between between them on the floor and then hold the book up above us.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cuddle time

Adi with Grandma

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Bundy (New) Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with the Bundys on New Year's Eve.

Kara's kids (my sister): Tima (sorry- Batman), Danya and Ella

My dad with Ella

The cutest costume award: Tima got a lion costume for Christmas. So when he wasn't Batman or Super man, he was a very adorable lion. My favorite moment was when he and my mom were playing lions and Mom asked, "What are we hunting?" Tima replied: "Food!"

Dave with Mae: did you know that drool is a great hair conditioner?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mae rolled over!

She even had to convince cousin Megan to let her roll over, because it was supposed to be tummy time.

Or that's what I hear- it happened on Thur Dec 27 when I was shopping with the 'girls.'

A Coleman Christmas (part 3)

It's been 1.5 years of granddaughters for the Colemans...

(Pat and Bill with Adi, Kaitlyn, Mae & Colette)

A Coleman Christmas (part 2)

You'd think, with 10 extra people to help with baby care, I would have had time to update the blog. But somehow I kept myself busy. Today's my first day again on my own so I won't have much time but here are some more family pics.

Bill (Dave's dad) trying to keep Adi awake past her bedtime. She is wearing her new French clothes from her Aunt Henry and Bill is modeling his puppy slippers.
Mike (Dave's brother) and Megan with their 19-month old daughter Colette:

Jennifer (Dave's sister) and Wayne with their 4-week old daughter Kaitlyn:

Kaitlyn with Grandma Coleman: